Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm a Mrs. and you're a Mr.

Dave and I now have 37 days until we leave for New York! 37!! It's been such a crazy few months. First, planning on not moving to New York. Then really planning on not moving. Then kinda thinking we will. Then all of a sudden we've made reservations for a U-haul and shipping Dave's car. While I have 37 days to get ready for the move, Dave has closer to 20. He's going to China in the middle of July to play at the World Expo with the University of Utah Jazz Ensemble. I'm so proud of him, they are going to play a few of his own songs there! I wish I could go with him. I'm going to visit my parents for a couple of days instead. It's not quite on the "Big Travels" list as China is but at least I won't have to carry around my own toilet paper. And when I get home from California my parents are being so helpful and flying out to Salt Lake and driving east with us. It's going to be a long trip (about 1,900 miles) but it won't feel as long with them there. Thanks mom and dad!

Leaving Utah will be tough. I never thought I'd stay here for six years but I've loved it here. I've met some really great people and had some awesome opportunities. One being a movie with Danny Boyle! If you ever see the movie "127 Hours" look for me! I'm anticipating it coming out sometime this Winter. But moving to a new city with new opportunities will be great. It will be great for our marriage and for musical/career opportunities for Dave. I'm planning on using my ballet degree to teach and take classes. I'm excited to dance! I miss you, Artistic Movement! I also want to become certified in Pilates and teach that as well.
We have a lot of things to look forward to.

We love all our friends and family in Salt Lake and will be back to visit when we can. We'll miss you guys! Wish us luck!